Tuesday, August 18, 2009

..The biggest loser..


Saya suka menonton tv, tapi tak semua cerita yang di tonton. Paling favourite House MD, CSI, Oprah dan cuti kali ni membuatkan saya jatuh cinta dengan rancangan The biggest loser. Hihi.. Kagum melihat kesungguhan Americans untuk menurunkan berat badan dan mereka sememangnya mempunyai semangat yang tinggi and the results are super impressive =)

Walaupun saya tidak memerlukan motivasi untuk menurunkan berat badan buat masa ini, tapi rancangan ini sungguh dekat di hati dan mengingatkan saya pada kisah diri sendiri.

Sewaktu lahir, berat saya 3.17kg (ikut birth cert). Kata ma, masa kecil, saya tak suka makan nestum macam orang lain, sebaliknya saya suka makan bubur nasi. Sebab tu badan saya cepat besar dan lebih besar daripada adik - beradik yang lain. kesimpulannya, saya memang seorang yang 'chubby' semenjak kecil lagi.

Di tadika, sayalah orang yang paling besar. Masa darjah satu, bila waktu timbang berat, berat kawan - kawan semaunya belas - belas, tapi berat saya 33kg =). Dan masa darjah enam, berat saya adalah 59kg (tak percaya?..terpulang, tapi itulah hakikatnya). Memang sejak kecil lagi saya sering digelar 'debak' (panggilan orang terengganu untuk budak yang 'chubby) oleh saudara - mara dan kawan - kawan. Tapi, masa tu kecil lagi dan bila orang panggil apa - apa pun, tak kesah sangat.

Saya bersekolah di asrama semenjak tingkatan 1. Alhamdulillah, bila tinggal di asrama, berat turun sikit (tapi tak banyak), mungkin penat turun naik tangga dan kurang berselera dengan nasi kawah.

Segalanya bermula semasa saya di tingkatan 3. Tiga minggu sebelum PMR. Orang sibuk nak exam, saya sibuk dengan 'projek diet', tapi study tak di tinggalkan =)..
Yes, I had my 'crashed diet' and the result was great. These are my so called crashed diet list.

breakfast - segelas horlicks dan 3 biji prunes
lunch - makan nasi sikit, ambil sayur dan buah and no fried food food
dinner - sebiji epal hijau
supper - biskut dewan makan
Kadang - kadang, makan snack seperti kacang dan dried fruits.

(my sincere advice: don't do this at home, seriously, it's not a balanced diet and is torchering)

Saya memilih untuk tidak bersukan, mungkin kerana penat dengan kehidupan di asrama yang agak 'packed' dan selalu tidak ada air. Tapi, saya rajin untuk turun naik tangga di asrama dan di sekolah. Dewan makan memang jarang - jarang sekali saya kunjungi, cuma pergi untuk ambil buah dan biskut. Setiap minggu insyaallah saya akan berpuasa, sekurang - kurangnya dua hari seminggu.

Seriously, diet tu memang sangat berkesan. Seminggu sebelum PMR, kami ada majlis bersalam - salaman dengan guru perempuan dan memang waktu tu semua cikgu tegur yang saya makin 'mengecil'..huhu..Entah, saya sendiri tak pasti dan tidak ada penimbang di asrama untuk mengetahui keberkesanan diet saya. Bila balik cuti sekolah, semua orang terkejut dengan badan saya..and of course I was very happy =) walaupun ada kalanya saya rasa agak letih dan lemah. i believe it's from the diet..

Alhamdulillah, i did lose weight. Masa form 4, berat saya 44kg =). Gembira dan sangat gembira. 15kg lebih ringan daripada 4 tahun yang lalu. But i guess, i was so skinny at that time and i felt a lil bit weak. So i decided not be very strict with my diet, start to eat more and reading about diets and nutritions. Dan masa tu jugaklah develop cita - cita nak jadi dietitian =)..

Alhamdulillah, i manage to maintain my weight until today. Berat sekarang 48kg dengan ketinggian 158cm (berat bukanlah rahsia selagimana tak naik, hihi). Bila fikir balik dan tengok cerita the biggest loser tu, memang rasa kelakar. Terfikir juga, kenapa masa form 3 tu saya nak sangat berdiet dan kuruskan badan. Entah, saya sendiri lupa kenapa saya berbuat demikian. Tapi sekarang saya syukur dengan nikmat badan yang sihat yang dikurniakan Allah. Memang mudah untuk beribadah, mudah untuk ke sana ke mari, and remain active. Insyaallah, jangan disalahgunakan nikmat yang Allah berikan. Jangan terjerat dan terpedaya dengan fesyen terkini walaupun ada nama yang namanya 'busana muslimah' tapi agak ketat dan menampakkan bentuk tubuh..

Syukur juga kepada Allah yang memberikan saya ilmu tentang diet dan nutrition, Guess,i can be a nutritionist and very glad to give free consultation for those who are interested =). Insyaallah, here are the few tips that i can, things that i get from my reading and have being a part of my practise as well.

1. Eat like the Japanese and the French
Japaneses love to eat rice and the don't really use oil in their cooking, Everything is boiled and steamed. Rice is better than bread since the are fat free, eventhough people tend to omit rice when there are dieting. The Japaneses chew 'capsicum' after their meal to increase their metabolism. It is proved that the chillies and spicy foods can speed up your metabolism. Guess, this is a good thing for those who like to eat sambal belacan dan cili padi =). Although the French love to eat cheesy foods, they are not fat. The tips are simple, eat before u are hungry and stop before feel full and chew your foods as much as you can (Sunnah Rasulullah kunyah makanan 40 kali, orang perancis pun reti nak ikut). When you chew your foods longer, u will enjoy the taste of the foods very well and u will feel full faster.

2. Drink more water and drink water at least 1 hour after your meal
When u feel hungry in between meals, don't jump straight away to your kitchen and grab some foods. Sometimes, it is not because there's no food in your tummy, but u don't drink enough water and make u feel hungry. 1 more thing, drinking water right after meal is not good for your digestion, since it can dilute the acid and enzymes in your tummy, so drink water at least an hour after your meal and it makes you feel full longer, insyaallah..This tip always reminds me to RAsulullah saw advice to keep the portion of 1/3 for food, 1/3 for water and 1/3 for air'

3. Don't skip your breakfast and eat plenty of fruits and green vegies
Skipping the most important meal for the day (breakfast) is so so wrong. Start your day with something sweet and healthy but not too heavy. According to few studies, it is believed that skipping breakfast will slow down your metabolism. So, don't forget your breakfast even when u don't really have time. Just grab a banana or drink some milk and you are ready to go! Eat plenty of fruits and green vegies. They can give u a lot of fibers which are good for your digestion and make u feel full faster. It doesn't matter whether it's local foods or imported ones. I once read an article about green apples. It says that green apple helps to prevent fat deposition under your skin. To be honest, i'm not so sure, but I'm kind of believing it =).

4. Fasting, eat in moderation and consistently.
Fasting definitely helps you to eat less (hopefully =)), but this is something that is important to be remembered by my muslim friends. Fasting for the sake of Allah, not merely to lose weight. There's one hadeeth narrated by Ummul mukminin, Ai'shah r.a that rasulullah only fast 3 days in a month (during the abyad days: 13,14,15th of islamic months) but Rasulullah was a small eater, even the sahabah, they were always particular with what and the amount of their foods (2 dates can make full already.huhu). We should be fasting to get the blessing from Allah swt, be among the muttaqin and insyaallah even with no intention of losing weight, we will lose some weight with fasting. In Islam, the best way of fasting is the Prophet Dawud (David). He used to fast every overday. This has is proven to maintain your metabolism to remain high. If you used to starve yourself, your metabolism will go low and your body and brain will go slow. Trust me!

5. Activate your life
Be active. Some of us might prefer to do workouts in the gym with professional trainers,go ahead. But there are a lot of things that u can do for free. Walking in the park, jogging, even cleaning the house is a good exercise as well. If u don't have time, be creative. park your car a lil bit far from your office, and walk to your office, use the stairs instead of the elevators.

6. Ignore what people say about your diet
People always say something that demotivates you (sikitnye makan, baik tak payah makan and etc), but just ignore them and don't get angry. Stay focus and prove to them that u can do it.

Last but not least...

7. Be moderate and get your 'niat' right!
Indeed, the teaching of Islam is practical in every single thing in our life. Don't be too much in dieting, do not starve, don't push yourself too much. Be moderate. There's no harm to reward yourself with some ice creams or nasi lemak.

After all, this is most important one. People want to lose weight for various reasons. As a muslim, our only concern should be Lord The Almighty. It is the blessing of Allah that we seek all the times, and insyaallah, other benefits of losing weight will come to you..

It is narrated on the authority of Amirul Mu'minin, Abu Hafs 'Umar bin al-Khattab, radiyallahu 'anhu, who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, say:

"Actions are (judged) by motives (niyyah), so each man will have what he intended. Thus, he whose migration (hijrah) was to Allah and His Messenger, his migration is to Allah and His Messenger; but he whose migration was for some worldly thing he might gain, or for a wife he might marry, his migration is to that for which he migrated."

There so many things that i can share about this, but better stop here. If I can do it, the Americans can do it, i'm sure u can do it as well. Have faith in your self. Remember, when there's a will, there are many ways to get it!

Because u worth it!

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